Resources (Continuously Updating)

If you are a client with PSYNT or are familiar with our work in public speaking and mental health promotion, you know how much emphasis we place on good media representation and media resources in general for a specific population. Our main focus so far has been more on LGBTQ+ representation; however, over the course of our work we have continued to update our list of good resources we would recommend to clients from different backgrounds.

This list exists in part thanks to the amazing online community that feeds our media interests and in part thanks to our clients, who have recommended these resources to us. Note that we’re only including things we’ve seen/read/heard before or things that people have sworn by. As soon as we read/see/hear something new, we will put it on the list.

As more things come out, this list will keep updating!

TV Shows



Books (Non-Fiction)

Books (Fiction)

Online Resources


